Monday, March 15, 2010

The Morning After Email

OMG, i definitely blacked out last night, need help remembering a couple of things

Things I do remember....
1. I remember going to a strip club w/ my Justin
2. I remember "Queen B" picking me up, not sure why I did not take a cab

Things I do not remember?
1. "Queen B" de-friended me on facebook, no idea why
2. my texts last night make no sense
3. Did I just straight leave justin at the club?
4. I left my jacket and eyeglasses at the club
5. Dude I totally blacked out last night so anything could have happened/been said, soooooo bad
6. is my social life completely over?

In recap.....
1. never drinking again
2. never drinking again
3. never drinking again
4. I may never be able to show my face in public again

Note: This email was written to said friend at 6 am, when a phone call could not be made to any parties involved to clear things up. Everything was ok, and no animals were harmed during the night. It just bums me out because apparently this was a fun night! I have been told.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

This is me

Dustin's Thoughts

I like that lampshade.

Avatar was good. I am not able to fully form sentences right now. Its all scrambled.